We believe, when people participate in learning, exciting things happen.
That's why we offer a wide range of opportunities for spiritual growth --from lectures on social issues, to weekend retreats, to movie premieres, to intimate lunchtime discussions.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we strive to offer classes that challenge you, support you and help you grow stronger in your faith.
Practicing God-talk explores issues in daily life and the wider society in the setting of faith. Through reading and conversation individuals find ways to think, talk and explore today's most important subjects. This gruop meets on the third Sunday of every month diring the program year (September to June).
Fall Retreat
Every year folks from the United Church of Hinesburg spend time away from the busyness of everyday life and seek spiritual renewal through the Fall Retreat. Retreats have been held at the Common Ground Center in Starksboro, VT, The Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington, VT, along with many other locations during the year. Retreats are announced each fall and are open to anyone in the community.
Small Groups
Disciples - Disciplines is a small group that meets weekly for study, discussion, and prayer. Each member uses the UPPER ROOM DISCIPLINES as a daily devotional lesson. Every week there is a different author who bases the commentary on the Bible verses designated in the Common Lectionary. The group is supportive of each other and maintains a prayer list for the church family and our community.
Advent/Lenten Groups - During the seasons of Advent and Lent, folks gather to share their faith and explore new insights through book groups. Previous topics have explored grief, institutional racism, compromise, faith and service, and church advancement.
Additional Groups
Other book groups and Bible Studies - UCH holds four and five-week book groups and Bible Studies throughout the year. These series are announced in the church weekly updates and monthly newsletter.
Our Knitting & Crocheting group meets in the Parish Hall on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 12:30-2:00pm to work on our projects together and share fellowship.
Movie in Mid-Winter - During the winter months the United Church of Hinesburg Parish Hall offers viewings of movies that explore issues of faith and social justice. Come back during the winter for the 2019-2020 lineup.
Looking for something else? Come and talk to the pastor about organizing a new small group that promotes faith development.