To make a one time or recurring donation directly from a credit card, debit card or bank account toward the ongoing work of our church, the Little Free Pantry, and other missions, click Donate Now!
"No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here." As a faith community, we try to live that statement in every way, offering a warm welcome and hospitality to all who come in our doors. This is just one expression of our Open and Affirming faith. The United Church of Hinesburg offers spiritual development and support, direct material services, and educational opportunities to folks in the town of Hinesburg and the surrounding areas. Giving to the United Church of Hinesburg strengthens this work, allowing us to better serve our community. We appreciate your generosity. The United Church of Hinesburg
is grateful for your donation. If you have set up a recurring donation and would like to change the amount or the account, click the Donate Now button, log into your account, and click Profile. Click the Edit button below your scheduled transaction, make your changes, and save.